The Resilience of Critical Raw Materials Value Chains in France Policy Paper11/10/2024 | Thibaud Voïta | Energy and climate
Unlocking sufficiency at the EU, National and Local Level Policy Paper31/08/2024 | Fiona Breucker | Energy and climate
Sufficiency: Wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries Infographic31/07/2024 | Fiona Breucker | Karin Thalberg | Energy and climate
Fleshing out energy community legislation in EU Member states for a fair energy transition Other document30/06/2024 | Klervi Kerneïs | Energy and climate
Municipalities: with great power come green responsibilities? Other document30/04/2024 | Klervi Kerneïs | Energy and climate
Une loi spéciale en attendant un budget : les conséquences pour l’écologie Interview11/12/2024 | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Energy and climate
À Chișinău, la grande bascule énergétique Interview06/12/2024 | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Energy and climate
Incertitude dans l’énergie après la chute de Barnier Interview05/12/2024 | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Energy and climate
Photovoltaïque : comment la Chine inonde-t-elle les marchés européens ? Podcast22/11/2024 | Thibaud Voïta | Energy and climate
Paris, 23 Avril 2016 – La transition énergétique en France et en Allemagne Blog post | Energy and climate
Paris, 13 novembre 2015 – L’Europe est-elle en train de perdre son âme ? La situation des réfugiés Blog post | Energy and climate
02.03Brussels, 2 March 2016 – Governing the differences in the EU Energy Union Intervention02/03/2016 | Passé | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Energy and climate
17.03Paris, 17 march 2016 – The European Energy Security Strategy Intervention17/03/2016 | Passé | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Energy and climate
22.03Sofia, 22 March 2016 – How can businesses adapt to the European energy and climate policy? Intervention22/03/2016 | Passé | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Energy and climate
19.04Brussels, 19 April 2016 – Making the energy transition happen Intervention19/04/2016 | Passé | Jean-Arnold Vinois | Energy and climate