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The parliaments of the EU and the governance of the EMU

Yves Bertoncini takes a stand in the debate on the democratic dimension of the Economic and monetary union, in a Tribune inspired from the concluding remarks he has expressed at a Brussels seminar co-organised with the FEPS

| 11/04/2013

Yves Bertoncini takes a stand in the debate on the democratic dimension of the Economic and monetary union, in a Tribune inspired from the concluding remarks he has expressed on March 23 2013 at a Brussels seminar co-organised with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), on the theme "The role of the parliaments in the coordination of budgetary and economic policies".

He develops four ranges of analysis and recommendations on :
1 – The clarification of the impact of the EMU governance reforms on national sovereignty and democracies;
2 – The reinforcement of the parliamentary dimension of the EMU at three complementary levels;
3 – A functional division of tasks between the European and national parliaments;
4 – The need for for visible political cleavages, including within parliaments.