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What role should outermost regions in the European Union have?
This synthesis by Virginie Timmerman shows the key issues of the debate organised by Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and the European Movement France on 23 April 2014, in Saint Denis (La Réunion), about employment and globalisation.
On 23 April 2014, less than 2 months before the next European elections, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and the European Movement – France organised the seventh debate of their cycle “Droit d’inventaire – Droit d’inventer”, in Saint Denis (La Réunion) in the euro-constituency Oversea, on the themes employment and globalisation.
Three major issues were pointed out:
1. Citizenship: what role should OMR citizens have in the EU?
2. Employment: What solutions are needed for better integration into the internal market?
3. Globalisation: could OMRs be EU ambassadors in the world?
On this occasion, citizens were able to share their questions and opinions with:
– Gilles COUAPEL, president of Club Export
– Michel CRISPIN, president of CESER in Martinique
– David Leon GIMENEZ, honorary Spanish vice-consul
– Jocelyn JALTON, president of CESER in Guadeloupe
– Philippe JEAN-PIERRE, president of Comité Régional de l’Innovation
– Philippe LEYSSENE, former ambassador responsible for regional cooperation in the Indian Ocean
– Martin WITTENBERG, member of the citizens’ committee of the One Single Tariff European Citizens’ Initiative
To listen to the podcast of the debate (in French), click here.
To see the pictures, click here.
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