Centro Europa Ricerche – CER – is a research institute in applied
economic analysis focusing on the central issues for Italian and
European economic policy. CER regularly provides evaluations and
comments on economic trends and prospects on public finance and economic
policy for Italian and international authorities. The Centre also does
research, training and consultancies for public organisations, banks and
insurance companies, industrial firms and business associations.
CER was established in Rome in 1981 by Giorgio Ruffolo and a group of
economists. CER is an independent research institute owned by its
founders and other senior economists who have contributed to the
scientific achievements of the institute. CER does not depend on public
nor private subsidies. Its income is derived from research works
undertaken for public and private corporations, and from the sale of its
publications. More than 40 researchers, co-ordinators and scientific
consultants from universities and other institutes contribute to Cers