Frédéric Menager holds a
postgraduate degree (DEA) in public law and is an Inspecteur des finances publiques. He is a doctoral candidate at
the EHESS (School for Higher Studies in Social Sciences) with Professor Pierre
Bouretz in the political studies department. He is preparing a PhD on
Benjamin, Bloch and the thinkers of the Frankfurt school. He regularly writes
articles for the website, for which he leads the economy
department. He also coordinated a file on the concept of progress. He is the
secretary general of EuroCité.
Frédéric Menager has often
been travelling in Eastern European countries since a few years, especially in the
former USSR. He also travelled to ex-Yugoslavian republics and published
articles on Moldova and Vojvodina in the journal Regard sur lEst. He is particularly interested in enlargement-related
issues and their cultural and institutional consequences.