
Csilla Végh

Former research assistant at the Jacques Delors Institute (2009-2010)

Csilla is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and the Corvinus University of Budapest where she made, respectively, a Research Master’s 2 Degree in international studies and a Master’s Degree in diplomacy and European studies. After a 6 month internship at the Regional Delegation of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) at the French Embassy in Budapest, she had done punctual missions for the European Commission and the King Baudouin Foundation (“European Citiezens” Consultation 209 »), for the Robert Schuman Foundation (European elections 2009) and for the Institut Hongrois in Paris. Since 2006, she is also member of the association Nouvelle Europe, the aim of which is to bring closer the new, enlarged Europe to the everyday people by transmitting actualities and basic information about the new member states via its website.

In the frame of the Jacques Delors Institute, Csilla works with Sami Andoura on European energy policy issues, but she is also interested in topics related to the external relations of the EU and the preparation of the next trio presidency of the Union in 2010-2011 (Spain-Belgium-Hungary).

Csilla was born on the 14 of December 1982 in Budapest. She speaks Hungarian, French and English.