
Jean-Arnold Vinois

Adviser, Energy Union

Jean-Arnold Vinois is Adviser on European Energy Policy at the Jacques Delors Institute. He is Honorary Director of the European Commission – Directorate General for Energy, and he continues to act occasionnally for DG Energy to promote the internal market for energy and related initiatives. Since 1st April 2013, he is acting as Special Adviser to Günther H. Oettinger, the Commissioner responsible for energy.

He retired from the European Commission January 1st 2013. Since July 2011, he was acting as Director of the internal energy market within the Directorate General for Energy, covering in particular the wholesale and retail electricity and gas markets, security of energy supply and energy networks. In April 2006, he became Head of the Unit responsible for Energy policy, security of supply and networks. Since 1992, he occupied, within the Directorate General for Energy and Transport, several management posts dealing successively with human and financial resources, trans-European networks, transport research, railway transport and interoperability. He also practiced as lawyer before joining the European Commission in 1987.