
Euroquestions | A quel point la nouvelle coalition allemande est-elle européenne ? [EN]

| 15/12/2021 | 14:30 > 15:00 |
Conférence |



On November 24th, 2021, two months after the German federal elections and five weeks after the start of their negotiation, the “tricolor” coalition is in place. The SPD, the Greens and the FDP have kept to their schedule. The Social-Democrat Olaf Scholz will succeed Angela Merkel, who has been Chancellor for 16 years.

The new government describes itself as pro-European and promises to work hand in hand with Paris. But there are still concerns and questions from European capitals about the repercussions of this new ‘progressive’ German coalition on European social, environmental and economic policies.

To address these issues, we will greet Daniela Schwarzer, Executive Director of the Open Society and Member of the Jacques Delors Institute’s Board. Daniela Schwarzer is former Director of the European Integration Department at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (DGAP).


On November 24th, 2021, two months after the German federal elections and five weeks after the start of their negotiation, the “tricolor” coalition is in place. The SPD, the Greens and the FDP have kept to their schedule. The Social-Democrat Olaf Scholz will succeed Angela Merkel, who has been Chancellor for 16 years.

The new government describes itself as pro-European and promises to work hand in hand with Paris. But there are still concerns and questions from European capitals about the repercussions of this new ‘progressive’ German coalition on European social, environmental and economic policies.

To address these issues, we will greet Daniela Schwarzer, Executive Director of the Open Society and Member of the Jacques Delors Institute’s Board. Daniela Schwarzer is former Director of the European Integration Department at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (DGAP).