
Paris, 21 July 2017 – The future of the Eurozone and the Multiannual Financial Framework

| 21/07/2017 | |

Eulalia Rubio, Senior research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, participates to a Lunch-debate organised by the Polish Embassy in France, in Paris. This lunch will give participants the opportunity to debate on the future of the Eurozone and perspectives of the Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020.



Eulalia Rubio, Senior research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, participates to a Lunch-debate organised by the Polish Embassy in France, in Paris. This lunch will give participants the opportunity to debate on the future of the Eurozone and perspectives of the Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020.
Eulalia Rubio, Senior research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, participates to a Lunch-debate organised by the Polish Embassy in France, in Paris. This lunch will give participants the opportunity to debate on the future of the Eurozone and perspectives of the Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020.
