
Bordeaux, 23 November 2018 – EU trade policy: can we control globalization?

| 23/11/2018 | |

Elvire Fabry participates in the 8th edition of the Journées Eurotémis - Sciences Po Bordeaux.



What is a good compromise on trade policy? Do the recent EU agreements provide opportunities for the European economy, or has the EU renounced its values and sold its standards? So many questions to which the participants of the Eurotémis Days try to answer.

To go further on the subject, you can read “Reforming the WTO: with or without the US?,” blogpost of Elvire Fabry (July 2018) and “Saving the WTO Appellate Body or Returning to the Wild West of Trade?“, Policy Paper by Elvire Fabry and Erik Tate (May 2018).

What is a good compromise on trade policy? Do the recent EU agreements provide opportunities for the European economy, or has the EU renounced its values and sold its standards? So many questions to which the participants of the Eurotémis Days try to answer.

To go further on the subject, you can read “Reforming the WTO: with or without the US?,” blogpost of Elvire Fabry (July 2018) and “Saving the WTO Appellate Body or Returning to the Wild West of Trade?“, Policy Paper by Elvire Fabry and Erik Tate (May 2018).

Sciences Po Bordeaux – Centre d’Excellence Jean Monnet d’Aquitaine

