Brussels, March 13th, 2012 – “New Atlantic Capitalism: Reshaping the economic model in the EU and the US”
Eulalia Rubio, Research Fellow at Notre Europe, will speak at this event orgnanised by Demos Europa in collaboration with EPC, next to Karel De Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade.
Eulalia Rubio, Research Fellow at Notre Europe, will participate to this event orgnanised by Demos Europa in collaboration with EPC.
Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Economist, European Policy Centre
Pawel Swieboda, President, demosEUROPA Centre for European Strategy
16.10 Keynote speeches
Karel De Gucht, EU Commissioner for Trade
William Kennard, US Ambassador to the EU (tbc)
16.35 Presentation of the final report The case for renewing Transatlantic Capitalism
Pawel Swieboda, President, demosEUROPA Centre for European Strategy
Bruce Stokes, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
16.50 Panel discussion
Karel De Gucht, EU Commissioner for Trade
William Kennard, US Ambassador to the EU (tbc)
Eulalia Rubio, Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe, Paris
Bruce Stokes, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Pawel Swieboda, President, demosEUROPA Centre for European Strategy
17.15 Question and answer session
18.00 End of discussion
Programme also attached.
Eulalia Rubio, Research Fellow at Notre Europe, will participate to this event orgnanised by Demos Europa in collaboration with EPC.
Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Economist, European Policy Centre
Pawel Swieboda, President, demosEUROPA Centre for European Strategy
16.10 Keynote speeches
Karel De Gucht, EU Commissioner for Trade
William Kennard, US Ambassador to the EU (tbc)
16.35 Presentation of the final report The case for renewing Transatlantic Capitalism
Pawel Swieboda, President, demosEUROPA Centre for European Strategy
Bruce Stokes, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
16.50 Panel discussion
Karel De Gucht, EU Commissioner for Trade
William Kennard, US Ambassador to the EU (tbc)
Eulalia Rubio, Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe, Paris
Bruce Stokes, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Pawel Swieboda, President, demosEUROPA Centre for European Strategy
17.15 Question and answer session
18.00 End of discussion
Programme also attached.