Copenhagen, 16 September 2019 – Prospects and Challenges in European Security
Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, in charge of the European trade policy and Brexit trade, intervene for a seminar organised jointly by the Danish Institute for International Studies and the French Embassy in Denmark, entitled: "Prospects and Challenges in European Security"
Elvire Fabry, senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, on European foreign and trade policies and Brexit, speaks on “Brexit and new dynamics in European cohesion” in the seminar “Prospects and challenges of European Security“, organised by the DIIS and the French Embassy in Copenhagen on the 16 September 2019. along with Thomas Gomart (IFRI), Bruno Tertrais (FRS), Olivier de France (IRIS), Tara Varma (ECFR).
If you want to learn more on the issues debated in this event, we invite you to read the Jacques Delors Institute’s publication: “Brexit: the Knowns and Unknowns, for the UK, the EU and Third countries, notably South Korea” (Elvire Fabry, 23/05/2019)
Elvire Fabry, senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, on European foreign and trade policies and Brexit, speaks on “Brexit and new dynamics in European cohesion” in the seminar “Prospects and challenges of European Security“, organised by the DIIS and the French Embassy in Copenhagen on the 16 September 2019. along with Thomas Gomart (IFRI), Bruno Tertrais (FRS), Olivier de France (IRIS), Tara Varma (ECFR).
If you want to learn more on the issues debated in this event, we invite you to read the Jacques Delors Institute’s publication: “Brexit: the Knowns and Unknowns, for the UK, the EU and Third countries, notably South Korea” (Elvire Fabry, 23/05/2019)