
Paris, 18 September 2018 – Towards a Juncker Plan closer to the territories?

| 18/09/2018 | 09:00 > 10:00 |

Eulalia Rubio, senior research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, presents the findings of the report on the role of national promotional banks in the next European budget in a "Europe breakfast" organized by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC).



As part of a series of conferences organized by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), and following the publication of the Jacques Delors Institute’s report “Making better use of public funding: the role of national promotional banks and institutions in the next EU budget” (Eulalia Rubio, Fleurilys Virel, Benedetta Pavesi, 07/08/2018), Eulalia Rubio presents the conclusions and recommendations of this report.

The creation and implementation of these instruments is a key issue for national banks and development institutions (National Promotional Banks and Institutions, “NPBIs”). Their role in this area has increased over time and there is a more explicit recognition of the benefits of NPBI involvement in the implementation of the EU budget. However, information on the exact modalities of intervention of NPBIs in the design, management and implementation of EU financial instruments and safeguards is limited. This report examines the Commission’s proposals for the next generation of financial instruments and budget guarantees, before making recommendations on how to improve the role of NPBIs in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).

If you would like to attend this breakfast, you can register by viewing the program as an attachment to this announcement.

As part of a series of conferences organized by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), and following the publication of the Jacques Delors Institute’s report “Making better use of public funding: the role of national promotional banks and institutions in the next EU budget” (Eulalia Rubio, Fleurilys Virel, Benedetta Pavesi, 07/08/2018), Eulalia Rubio presents the conclusions and recommendations of this report.

The creation and implementation of these instruments is a key issue for national banks and development institutions (National Promotional Banks and Institutions, “NPBIs”). Their role in this area has increased over time and there is a more explicit recognition of the benefits of NPBI involvement in the implementation of the EU budget. However, information on the exact modalities of intervention of NPBIs in the design, management and implementation of EU financial instruments and safeguards is limited. This report examines the Commission’s proposals for the next generation of financial instruments and budget guarantees, before making recommendations on how to improve the role of NPBIs in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).

If you would like to attend this breakfast, you can register by viewing the program as an attachment to this announcement.

