
Paris, 19 February 2019 – If the climate was a bank, we would have saved it already. What are we waiting for?

| 19/02/2019 | 18:00 > 20:30 |

At the time of the Grand Débat National and one month before the European Council of 21 and 22 March 2019 which must give a new direction to Europe, what are our leaders waiting for to take up the ambitious and realistic proposals that are made to them to save the climate and create jobs?



Come and discuss the proposal for a European treaty that will be presented on February 19th and share your indignations, your projects, your difficulties, your needs to collectively contribute to the success of the ecological transition.

This event is organized by the European initiative for a Finance-Climate Compact, which brings together citizens, young and old, from all walks of life, women and men politicians of all stripes, business leaders and trade unionists, intellectuals and academics, employees, unemployed, peasants, artists and craftsmen, peasants, community leaders who often have different fields of action but who all come together because they are convinced that Europe must, as a matter of urgency , provide a clear and very ambitious response to fight against climate change.

To go further on this subject, you can consult the study “Making the Energy Transition a European Success“, written by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Sofia Fernandes, Eulalia Rubio and Jean-Arnold Vinois (June 2017).

Come and discuss the proposal for a European treaty that will be presented on February 19th and share your indignations, your projects, your difficulties, your needs to collectively contribute to the success of the ecological transition.

This event is organized by the European initiative for a Finance-Climate Compact, which brings together citizens, young and old, from all walks of life, women and men politicians of all stripes, business leaders and trade unionists, intellectuals and academics, employees, unemployed, peasants, artists and craftsmen, peasants, community leaders who often have different fields of action but who all come together because they are convinced that Europe must, as a matter of urgency , provide a clear and very ambitious response to fight against climate change.

To go further on this subject, you can consult the study “Making the Energy Transition a European Success“, written by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Sofia Fernandes, Eulalia Rubio and Jean-Arnold Vinois (June 2017).

4, place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

