
Paris, 27 March 2017 – Social investment and the Juncker plan?

| 27/03/2017 | |
Conférence |

The Jacques Delors Institute organises, in cooperation with the CESE, a citizen dialogue about the social dimension of the Juncker Plan within the framework of a serie of events and publications aiming at building a better understanding of the objectives and impacts of the EFSI.



The Jacques Delors Institute organises, in cooperation with the CESE, a citizen dialogue about the social dimension of the Juncker Plan within the framework of a serie of events and publications aiming at building a better understanding of the objectives and impacts of the EFSI.

Monday 27 March 2017
18h00 > 20h00
Conseil économique, social et environnemental – 9 place d’Iéna – Paris

Due to security procedures, we ask you to arrive
at 17h30 so that the event can begin on time

18h00 > 18h15 – Introduction
, senior researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute

18h15 > 19h45 – Social investment, great absent of the Juncker plan ? 
, European association of service providers for persons with disabilities
José Manuel FERNANDES, MEP, member of the Budget commission at the European Parliament
Robin HUGUENOT-NOËL, Researcher at the European Policy Center
Samuel CLAUSE, Senior investment manager at the European investment fund

Debate animated by Eulalia RUBIO, senior researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute

Debate with the audience

19h45 > 20h00 – Conclusion
, President of Confrontations Europe

Mandatory registration via this form

The European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), known under the « Juncker plan » title, is a European Commission’s priority and started to bear fruits all around Europe, and particularly in France where different projects have been financed, notably in the Energy and Digital areas. The Juncker plan’s social dimension is at stake. In mid-2016, only 3% of the EFSI investments were devoted to « social infrastructures. However, the recent reforms of the “SMB” component could reinforce the social dimension of the EFSI, by bringing more money for microfinance and social entreprenership.

Within the framework of a serie of events and publications aiming at building a better understanding of the objectives and impacts of the Juncker plan, the Jacques Delors Institute and the CESE organise a citizen dialogue about its social dimension : does the EFSI allow to finance projects in the area of education, health or solidarity? What are the obstacles to implement such projetcs ? What leads to improve the incentives to invest in social projects ? As many questions which will be debated between the civil society and institutions representatives and the citizens.

Find out more about the JDI’s Study on the EFSI : “Investment in Europe: Making the best of the Juncker Plan

Event organised with the support of the European Commission representation in France, the European parliament bureau and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

The Jacques Delors Institute organises, in cooperation with the CESE, a citizen dialogue about the social dimension of the Juncker Plan within the framework of a serie of events and publications aiming at building a better understanding of the objectives and impacts of the EFSI.

Monday 27 March 2017
18h00 > 20h00
Conseil économique, social et environnemental – 9 place d’Iéna – Paris

Due to security procedures, we ask you to arrive
at 17h30 so that the event can begin on time

18h00 > 18h15 – Introduction
, senior researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute

18h15 > 19h45 – Social investment, great absent of the Juncker plan ? 
, European association of service providers for persons with disabilities
José Manuel FERNANDES, MEP, member of the Budget commission at the European Parliament
Robin HUGUENOT-NOËL, Researcher at the European Policy Center
Samuel CLAUSE, Senior investment manager at the European investment fund

Debate animated by Eulalia RUBIO, senior researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute

Debate with the audience

19h45 > 20h00 – Conclusion
, President of Confrontations Europe

Mandatory registration via this form

The European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), known under the « Juncker plan » title, is a European Commission’s priority and started to bear fruits all around Europe, and particularly in France where different projects have been financed, notably in the Energy and Digital areas. The Juncker plan’s social dimension is at stake. In mid-2016, only 3% of the EFSI investments were devoted to « social infrastructures. However, the recent reforms of the “SMB” component could reinforce the social dimension of the EFSI, by bringing more money for microfinance and social entreprenership.

Within the framework of a serie of events and publications aiming at building a better understanding of the objectives and impacts of the Juncker plan, the Jacques Delors Institute and the CESE organise a citizen dialogue about its social dimension : does the EFSI allow to finance projects in the area of education, health or solidarity? What are the obstacles to implement such projetcs ? What leads to improve the incentives to invest in social projects ? As many questions which will be debated between the civil society and institutions representatives and the citizens.

Find out more about the JDI’s Study on the EFSI : “Investment in Europe: Making the best of the Juncker Plan

Event organised with the support of the European Commission representation in France, the European parliament bureau and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs