Rome, 11 October 2012 – How to make out of its neighbourhood an opportunity for the EU itself?
"How to make out of its neighbourhood an opportunity for the EU itself?", seminar of the Think Global - Act European project will take place in collaboration with the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome on the 11th of October.
The first seminar of the project Think Global – Act European IV focused on the European external action, took place in Rome, in collaboration with the Istituto di Affari Internazionali (IAI), on the 11th October 2012.
The seminar, entitled “How to make out of its neighbourhood an opportunity for the EU itself?” gathered the experts of the EU’s neighbourhood policy working group.
Participants include:
Haizam Amirah Fernández, Senior Analyst for the Mediterranean and Arab World, Elcano Royal Institute,
Adam Balcer, Director of the EU enlargement and neighbourhood programme, demosEUROPA,
Timo Behr, Researcher, FIIA Finnish Institute of International Affairs & Research Associate, Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute,
Gianni Bonvicini, Executive Vice President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI),
Michele Comelli, Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI),
Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute,
Christophe Hillion, Senior Researcher, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS),
Lucia Najlová, Senior Research Fellow, Europeum – Institute for European Foreign Policy,
Peter Munk Jensen, Senior Analyst, DIIS – Danish Institute for International Studies,
Vera Rihácková, Senior Research Fellow, Europeum Institute for European Foreign Policy,
Olga Shumylo-Tapiola, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe.
The next edition of the report, under the direction of Elvire Fabry will focus on the EUs external action: “Thinking Strategically about the EUs External Action”.
As for the previous reports, the fourth TGAE report will be based on the collective work of a group of 16 European think tanks.
The 16 think tanks participating in this project will confront their analyses during a series of seminars organised in Rome, London, Paris, Madrid and Brussels during the autumn 2012.
The first seminar of the project Think Global – Act European IV focused on the European external action, took place in Rome, in collaboration with the Istituto di Affari Internazionali (IAI), on the 11th October 2012.
The seminar, entitled “How to make out of its neighbourhood an opportunity for the EU itself?” gathered the experts of the EU’s neighbourhood policy working group.
Participants include:
Haizam Amirah Fernández, Senior Analyst for the Mediterranean and Arab World, Elcano Royal Institute,
Adam Balcer, Director of the EU enlargement and neighbourhood programme, demosEUROPA,
Timo Behr, Researcher, FIIA Finnish Institute of International Affairs & Research Associate, Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute,
Gianni Bonvicini, Executive Vice President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI),
Michele Comelli, Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI),
Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute,
Christophe Hillion, Senior Researcher, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS),
Lucia Najlová, Senior Research Fellow, Europeum – Institute for European Foreign Policy,
Peter Munk Jensen, Senior Analyst, DIIS – Danish Institute for International Studies,
Vera Rihácková, Senior Research Fellow, Europeum Institute for European Foreign Policy,
Olga Shumylo-Tapiola, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe.
The next edition of the report, under the direction of Elvire Fabry will focus on the EUs external action: “Thinking Strategically about the EUs External Action”.
As for the previous reports, the fourth TGAE report will be based on the collective work of a group of 16 European think tanks.
The 16 think tanks participating in this project will confront their analyses during a series of seminars organised in Rome, London, Paris, Madrid and Brussels during the autumn 2012.