Le Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) in Tallinn and the Senior Energy Committee under NCM organise the Nordic Baltic Energy Conference. Jean-Arnold Vinois, advisor at the Jacques Delors Institute, with many other experts.

The debates focus on the question: how to achieve the new objectives of the Energy Union?
A series of national presentations of energy policy makers in the Nordic and Baltic countries is organized. Key international players, such as DG Energy and the International Energy Agency, place the Nordic and Baltic region in a European and global context. Particular emphasis is placed on the expected governance regulation in order to explore the possibilities for closer cooperation between the Baltic countries in the field of energy.
Jean-Arnold Vinois participates in a Policy Session on September 27th between 10:20 am and 12:30 pm, on the theme: “Key notes on implementation of the Clean Energy for all Europeans package”. It addresses the subject of the Energy Union, its achievements and prospects by 2025.
The full program of this conference is available here.
The debates focus on the question: how to achieve the new objectives of the Energy Union?
A series of national presentations of energy policy makers in the Nordic and Baltic countries is organized. Key international players, such as DG Energy and the International Energy Agency, place the Nordic and Baltic region in a European and global context. Particular emphasis is placed on the expected governance regulation in order to explore the possibilities for closer cooperation between the Baltic countries in the field of energy.
Jean-Arnold Vinois participates in a Policy Session on September 27th between 10:20 am and 12:30 pm, on the theme: “Key notes on implementation of the Clean Energy for all Europeans package”. It addresses the subject of the Energy Union, its achievements and prospects by 2025.
The full program of this conference is available here.
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