13.01 Académie Notre Europe –... Event Europe in the world 13/01/2023 | Past | Pascal Lamy | Sofia Fernandes | Lukáš Macek | Benjamin Coutea...
23.01 Webinar | Franco-German... Event Energy and climate 23/01/2023 | Past | Sébastien Maillard | Johannes Lindner | Camille Defard |
23.01 Off the pace? The future of... Event Law and institutions 23/01/2023 | Past | Laurence Boone | Olivier Rozenberg | Sébastien Maillard | Aranc...
26.01 Webinar “Crossed views at... Event Labour and social affairs 26/01/2023 | Past | Isabelle Marchais | Sébastien Maillard |