European budget 2014-2020: seven years of bad luck?
Other document
18/03/2013 | Nadège Chambon | Marie Billotte |
EU resource management: what European external action strategy?
Policy Paper
04/03/2013 | Andrea Frontini | Annika Ahtonen | Clémentine d'Oultremont | Nadège Chambon | Sami Andoura | Stephen Tindale | Gonzalo Escribano |
An external strategy for European agriculture
Policy Paper
28/02/2013 | Nadège Chambon |
Building Europe: V. Giscard d’Estaing and J. Delors debate with young Europeans
Other document
19/12/2012 | Jean-Paul Maulny | Nadège Chambon |
A green path of growth for the European economy? Synthesis of Green Forum 2012
Other document
The Common Strategic Framework: adding value to rural development?
Policy Paper