President of the Egmont Institute
One month into Trump: Europe’s hour

Blog post
17/02/2025 | Sylvie Matelly | Enrico Letta | Pascal Lamy | Johannes Lindner | Geneviève Pons | Etienne Davignon |
The Awakening

Other document
EU security: a matter of political urgency

Other document
03/03/2016 | Philippe De Schoutheete | Jacques Delors | Pascal Lamy | António Vitorino | Eneko Landaburu | Etienne Davignon | Nicole Gnesotto | Elisabeth Guigou | Elvire Fabry | Nicole Koenig | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
Etienne Davignon discusses the Commission presidency and the Delors years

06/05/2015 | Etienne Davignon |
Engaging Europe in the world

Other document
18/06/2014 | Jacques Delors | Pascal Lamy | António Vitorino | Eneko Landaburu | Elisabeth Guigou | Etienne Davignon | Nicole Gnesotto | Philippe De Schoutheete | Elvire Fabry | Sami Andoura |
The Euro, the investors and the governance – Proceedings of the seminar in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

Other document
09/06/2011 | Jacques Delors | Michel Barnier | Peter Bofinger | Etienne Davignon | Mario Draghi | Philippe Lagayette | Mario Monti | Erik Nielsen | Jean Pisani-Ferry | Didier Reynders | Jean-Claude Trichet |
Les instituts Jacques Delors appellent à « arrêter Trump »

18/02/2025 | Pascal Lamy | Etienne Davignon | Enrico Letta | Geneviève Pons | Johannes Lindner | Sylvie Matelly |
Istituti Jacques Delors: “solo l’Europa può fermare Trump”. Alternativa tra “sopravvivenza o declino”

18/02/2025 | Pascal Lamy | Etienne Davignon | Enrico Letta | Geneviève Pons | Johannes Lindner | Sylvie Matelly |
Sommet de Paris : ce qu’il faut retenir de la réunion des dirigeants européens

18/02/2025 | Pascal Lamy | Etienne Davignon | Enrico Letta | Geneviève Pons | Johannes Lindner | Sylvie Matelly |