Filippa Chatzistavrou
is a lawyer and has a PhD in Political Science (University of Paris I
Sorbonne). She is the project coordinator at ELIAMEP initiative Moving on to a Greener Greece[2010-2020]and ELIAMEP coordinator for the Think Global Act European
(TGAE) project. She is an external collaborator in the Faculty of
Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens. She
is a research associate in the Group of European political sociology
GSPE-CNRS (University of Strasbourg). She is a member of the research
network HISTCOM2-The History of the European Commission 1973-1986?.
main research areas are national political systems and administrative
integration in the EU, political sociology of EU actors, theories of
European integration, EU institutional law. Her recent publications
include: La Présidence du Conseil des Affaires Générales, in Le système présidentiel de lUE après Lisbonne, Ecole
Nationale dAdministration & Université de Strasbourg (dirs), 2012.
«Des diplomates comme les autres ? Les Représentants permanents
auprès de lUE», in «Eurocratie. Les professionnels de lEurope», Didier
Georgakakis (dirs), Economica, 2012. EU policy and constitutional
sovereignty: a potential roadmap, in TGAE Report,The Contribution of 16 European think tanks to the Trio presidency of the EU,
2011. «Early preferences of national political parties in the EU for
Turkeys accession», Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea
studies, vol. 10, issue 4, December, 2010, pp.385-409. The
distribution of competences under the Lisbon Treaty: towards an improved
policy-making process, in TGAE Report, The Contribution of 14 European think tanks to the Trio presidency of the EU,
2010. Une lecture intergouvernementale du système politique européen.
Le Traité de lUE : Précurseur des changements dans les
relations intergouvernementales. Thèse soutenue en 2003, Editions
Universitaires, 2010.