Klervi Kerneïs has served as the Teaching and Development Manager of the Académie Notre Europe since October 2024.
She joined the Jacques Delors Institute in March 2020, where she previously worked as a Research Assistant and Research Fellow focusing on social issues, employment, gender equality, as well as the social dimension of the energy transition (e.g. through the Horizon 2020 research projects Sun4All and REFEREE).
Before joining the Institute, Klervi interned at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and completed a civic service at the European Movement – France.
Klervi graduated from the College of Europe in Bruges (Department of European Political and Governance Studies) and works in French, English, and German.
Fleshing out energy community legislation in EU Member states for a fair energy transition

Municipalities: with great power come green responsibilities?

The European Green Deal in the face of rising radical right-wing populism

The EU framework on energy communities

The multiple benefits of energy efficiency

A comparative analysis of the regulatory framework in Sun4All pilot cities

Agriculteurs, Ukraine, écologie… L’Union européenne navigue à vue

Face à « l’instrumentalisation » du Green Deal par les droites radicales, l’institut Jacques-Delors mise sur le social

Face à l’opposition à la transition verte dans l’UE, l’Institut Jacques Delors prône une approche axée sur la confiance et le dialogue

A fairer energy system with energy communities

La CE presiona a Francia para cumplir sus metas renovables

Più donne nei ruoli al vertice: via libera alla direttiva europea Women on boards