
Bruxelles, 15 mai 2013 – Un nouvel élan pour une stratégie d’action extérieure de l’UE

| 13/05/2013 | |
Séminaire |

Débat autour de la publication du rapport TGAE IV, présentant les recommandations clés de 16 Think Tanks européens, avec la participation notamment de Pascal Lamy, António Vitorino, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Pierre Vimont, Elmar Brok, Philip Lowe...



 À l’occasion de la publication du rapport : « Think Global – Act European. Thinking strategically about the EU’s external action »  (dir. par Elvire Fabry, Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors, avril 2013), Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors organise une conférence de débat : « Un nouvel élan pour une stratégie d’action extérieure de l’UE » le 15 mai 2013 à l’Hôtel Silken Berlaymont à Bruxelles, en présence des experts de 16 think tanks européens qui ont contribué au projet :
Carnegie Europe, CCEIA, CER, CEPS, demosEUROPA, ECFR, EGMONT, EPC, Real Instituto Elcano, Eliamep, Europeum, FRIDE, IAI, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, SIEPS, SWP.

Pour le programme cliquez ici. (disponible seulement en anglais)

Europeans need to tackle the negative impact of the crisis on the EU influence in the world. While focusing on fiscal consolidation and economic recovery, the EU needs to break out of its defensive attitude and make room for new strategic thinking.

A wilted patronising EU fits uncomfortably within the new multipolar setting where influence is being renegotiated. A more forward looking strategy for the EU to effectively influence the global agenda must begin with a serious scrutiny of the incoherence of EU’s external action policies.

9.30am > 9.40am Introduction
António VITORINO, President, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute

9.40am > 11am Session 1: Engaging with middle and global powers
Keynote speaker: Pascal LAMY,Director general, WTO
Chair: Elvire FABRY, Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute

11 am >1 pm Session 2: Leveraging the economic weight of the EU worldwide
Jean-Luc DEMARTY, Director General Trade, European Commission
Jo LEINEN, Member of the European Parliament
Philip LOWE, Director General Energy, European Commission
David O’SULLIVAN, Chief Operating Officer, EEAS
Chair : Yves BERTONCINI, Director, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute
Discussants: Daniela SCHWARZER (SWP); Federico STEINBERG (Elcano); Sami ANDOURA (Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute)

1 pm >2 pm Lunch Break

2 pm >4 pm Session 3: Reinforcing EU regional influence
Elmar BROK, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, European Parliament
Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, French Minister for Defence
Stefano MANSERVISI, Director General, Home Affairs, European Commission
Hugues MINGARELLI, Managing Director, Middle East and Southern Neighbourhood, EEAS
Chair: Eneko LANDABURU,Former Director General RELEX, European Commission
Discussants: Daniel KEOHANE (Fride); Christophe HILLION (SIEPS); Hans MARTENS (EPC)

4 pm >4.10 pm Concluding remarks
António VITORINO, President, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute

 À l’occasion de la publication du rapport : « Think Global – Act European. Thinking strategically about the EU’s external action »  (dir. par Elvire Fabry, Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors, avril 2013), Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors organise une conférence de débat : « Un nouvel élan pour une stratégie d’action extérieure de l’UE » le 15 mai 2013 à l’Hôtel Silken Berlaymont à Bruxelles, en présence des experts de 16 think tanks européens qui ont contribué au projet :
Carnegie Europe, CCEIA, CER, CEPS, demosEUROPA, ECFR, EGMONT, EPC, Real Instituto Elcano, Eliamep, Europeum, FRIDE, IAI, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, SIEPS, SWP.

Pour le programme cliquez ici. (disponible seulement en anglais)

Europeans need to tackle the negative impact of the crisis on the EU influence in the world. While focusing on fiscal consolidation and economic recovery, the EU needs to break out of its defensive attitude and make room for new strategic thinking.

A wilted patronising EU fits uncomfortably within the new multipolar setting where influence is being renegotiated. A more forward looking strategy for the EU to effectively influence the global agenda must begin with a serious scrutiny of the incoherence of EU’s external action policies.

9.30am > 9.40am Introduction
António VITORINO, President, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute

9.40am > 11am Session 1: Engaging with middle and global powers
Keynote speaker: Pascal LAMY,Director general, WTO
Chair: Elvire FABRY, Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute

11 am >1 pm Session 2: Leveraging the economic weight of the EU worldwide
Jean-Luc DEMARTY, Director General Trade, European Commission
Jo LEINEN, Member of the European Parliament
Philip LOWE, Director General Energy, European Commission
David O’SULLIVAN, Chief Operating Officer, EEAS
Chair : Yves BERTONCINI, Director, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute
Discussants: Daniela SCHWARZER (SWP); Federico STEINBERG (Elcano); Sami ANDOURA (Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute)

1 pm >2 pm Lunch Break

2 pm >4 pm Session 3: Reinforcing EU regional influence
Elmar BROK, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, European Parliament
Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, French Minister for Defence
Stefano MANSERVISI, Director General, Home Affairs, European Commission
Hugues MINGARELLI, Managing Director, Middle East and Southern Neighbourhood, EEAS
Chair: Eneko LANDABURU,Former Director General RELEX, European Commission
Discussants: Daniel KEOHANE (Fride); Christophe HILLION (SIEPS); Hans MARTENS (EPC)

4 pm >4.10 pm Concluding remarks
António VITORINO, President, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute