
3 December 2018 – Is Brexit Reversible?

| 03/12/2018 | 17:00 > 19:00 |

Elvire Fabry participates in a round table on Brexit at Sciences Po.



A panel discussion introducted and moderated by Enrico Letta, Dean of PSIA, and:
– Hugo Dixon, British journalist and writer, founder at InFacts
– Elvire Fabry, Senior Researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute
– Jonathan Faull, former DG of the EU Commission Task Force for the UK Referendum
– Peter Ricketts, House of Lords, former British Ambassador to France, former UK National Security Advisor

On the same topic, you can read Elvire Fabry’s blogpost: “What impact would a No Deal Brexit have on Europe Parliament elections?” (November 2018).

A panel discussion introducted and moderated by Enrico Letta, Dean of PSIA, and:
– Hugo Dixon, British journalist and writer, founder at InFacts
– Elvire Fabry, Senior Researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute
– Jonathan Faull, former DG of the EU Commission Task Force for the UK Referendum
– Peter Ricketts, House of Lords, former British Ambassador to France, former UK National Security Advisor

On the same topic, you can read Elvire Fabry’s blogpost: “What impact would a No Deal Brexit have on Europe Parliament elections?” (November 2018).

Sciences Po

