
Brussels, 11 October 2018 – Funding Innovation to Deliver EU Competitive Climate Leadership

| 11/10/2018 | 08:45 > 10:15 |

The European Climate Foundation and Climate Strategy are pleased to invite you to the breakfast briefing: Funding Innovation to Deliver EU Competitive Climate Leadership, n which Thomas Pellerin-Carlin participates.



This event brings together the key stakeholders in a debate centered on how Europe funds the innovation which it needs to decarbonise to net-zero by 2050 and remain competitive. Innovation stakeholders, Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission will share their latest thinking in the context of a new Climate Strategy study which maps the EU’s needs and opportunities.

Programme includes  the presentation if the report “Funding Innovation to Deliver EU Competitive Climate Leadership” and panel discussion ““Horizon Europe: A flagship for innovation for decarbonisation?”

With the participation of:

  • Jakop Dalunde, Member of the European Parliament, Shadow rapporteur of the Horizon Europe
  • Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur for Horizon Europe Specific Programme and Shadow rapporteur of the Horizon Europe regulation
  • Lieve Wierinck, Member of the European Parliament, Shadow rapporteur of the Horizon Europe
  • Peter Sweatman, Chief Executive Officer, Climate Strategy
  • Guillaume Gillet, European Union Business Unit Director, KIC InnoEnergy
  • Léa Pilsner, Researcher, E3G
  • Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Head, The Jacques Delors Energy Centre

This event brings together the key stakeholders in a debate centered on how Europe funds the innovation which it needs to decarbonise to net-zero by 2050 and remain competitive. Innovation stakeholders, Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission will share their latest thinking in the context of a new Climate Strategy study which maps the EU’s needs and opportunities.

Programme includes  the presentation if the report “Funding Innovation to Deliver EU Competitive Climate Leadership” and panel discussion ““Horizon Europe: A flagship for innovation for decarbonisation?”

With the participation of:

  • Jakop Dalunde, Member of the European Parliament, Shadow rapporteur of the Horizon Europe
  • Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur for Horizon Europe Specific Programme and Shadow rapporteur of the Horizon Europe regulation
  • Lieve Wierinck, Member of the European Parliament, Shadow rapporteur of the Horizon Europe
  • Peter Sweatman, Chief Executive Officer, Climate Strategy
  • Guillaume Gillet, European Union Business Unit Director, KIC InnoEnergy
  • Léa Pilsner, Researcher, E3G
  • Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Head, The Jacques Delors Energy Centre

European Parliament

