
Euroquestions #62 | One year ahead of the 2024 European elections

| 07/06/2023 | 14:30 > 15:00 |
Conference |



Citizens across the European Union are being called to the polls on 6 and 9 June 2024 to renew their representatives in the European Parliament. This vote will be decisive, as the European co-legislator has significant powers. The results of the elections will influence the subsequent choice of leaders for the EU’s main institutions: the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament. The forthcoming elections are taking place against an unprecedented context of a war in Ukraine and the relaunch of enlargement, uprising Sino-American rivalry, climate change and inflation that have yet to be brought under control, among many others. These challenges are numerous for European democracy, at a time when critics to its model are becoming increasingly vocal in parts of Europe. The coalition that emerges from these elections will determine the effectiveness of European action to unite the continent.

We are delighted to welcome Christine Verger, Vice-President of the Jacques Delors Institute and rapporteur for our European Parliament Political Observatory.

Citizens across the European Union are being called to the polls on 6 and 9 June 2024 to renew their representatives in the European Parliament. This vote will be decisive, as the European co-legislator has significant powers. The results of the elections will influence the subsequent choice of leaders for the EU’s main institutions: the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament. The forthcoming elections are taking place against an unprecedented context of a war in Ukraine and the relaunch of enlargement, uprising Sino-American rivalry, climate change and inflation that have yet to be brought under control, among many others. These challenges are numerous for European democracy, at a time when critics to its model are becoming increasingly vocal in parts of Europe. The coalition that emerges from these elections will determine the effectiveness of European action to unite the continent.

We are delighted to welcome Christine Verger, Vice-President of the Jacques Delors Institute and rapporteur for our European Parliament Political Observatory.