
Euroquestions | DSA, DMA, DGA: Digital sovereignty for whom?

| 09/02/2022 | 14:30 > 15:00 |
Conference |



Digitalization poses many new challenges for Europeans and has led to calls for digital sovereignty. But what is digital sovereignty and who is it for? How does Europe plan to address the challenges of digitization with the Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act, and the Data Governance Act? And what is the role of technological competition and cooperation with other countries, in particular China and the United States?

As digital technology is a priority for the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we will welcome Nicolas Köhler-Suzuki, Associate Researcher for digital and trade issues at the Jacques Delors Institute, to contextualize this debate in our next Euroquestions.


Digitalization poses many new challenges for Europeans and has led to calls for digital sovereignty. But what is digital sovereignty and who is it for? How does Europe plan to address the challenges of digitization with the Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act, and the Data Governance Act? And what is the role of technological competition and cooperation with other countries, in particular China and the United States?

As digital technology is a priority for the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we will welcome Nicolas Köhler-Suzuki, Associate Researcher for digital and trade issues at the Jacques Delors Institute, to contextualize this debate in our next Euroquestions.