
Lyon, 17 October 2018 – Which Europe in the world do you want?

| 17/10/2018 | 12:00 > 13:45 |
Conférence |

As part of the citizens' consultations on the future of the European Union, the members of the student association FORUM Conférences & Debates of the emlyon business school join forces with the Jacques Delors Institute to take an interest, in the presence of Pascal Lamy, in the opinion of emlyon students and alumni, and Centrale Lyon students on the place of Europe in globalization, its commercial policies and more generally on the future of construction, policies and practices. European institutions.



A consultation that will be broadcast live online, and to which any citizen can participate!

12:00 Welcome by the association FORUM Conferences & debates of the emlyon business school
12:05 Interactive introduction by Pascal Lamy
12:30 Citizen dialogue with the audience and the internet users

A consultation that will be broadcast live online, and to which any citizen can participate!

12:00 Welcome by the association FORUM Conferences & debates of the emlyon business school
12:05 Interactive introduction by Pascal Lamy
12:30 Citizen dialogue with the audience and the internet users


