
Tours, 4 April 2018 – Toward a Social and Political Europe?

| 04/04/2018 | 09:30 > 18:30 |

Sofia Fernandes, senior research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, intervenes during the 33th UNIOPSS Congress "Liberties... inequalities... fraternity", which takes place at Tours from the 4th to the 5th of April. She participates in a roundtable whose key question is "Toward a Social and Political Europe ?"



Sofia Fernandes has the opportunity to debate with Louis Maurin, director fo the French Observatory of inequalities, and Marie-Christine Vergiat, French MEP.

If you want more information on the UNIOPSS, the Congress or register to the latter, you can consult the event’s website, in which you could find the two days program (in French).

Sofia Fernandes has the opportunity to debate with Louis Maurin, director fo the French Observatory of inequalities, and Marie-Christine Vergiat, French MEP.

If you want more information on the UNIOPSS, the Congress or register to the latter, you can consult the event’s website, in which you could find the two days program (in French).
