Ratification and Revision of the Consitutional Treaty
This study put in view the present debate on the ratification and the revision ; and draws the fist ideas for a prospect reflection on the evolution of these proceedings. Only available in French.
European Democracy: What Are the Next Challenges

Other document
04/07/2017 | Hamza Abbas |
National Referendums on EU Issues: from Clarification to Frustration

Policy Paper
03/04/2017 | Yves Bertoncini |
The EU and referenda: three denials of democracy

Other document
23/06/2016 | Yves Bertoncini |
The EU and referenda: structural incompatibility?

Policy Paper
17/09/2015 | Yves Bertoncini | Nicole Koenig |
The EU and referenda on independence: a leap in the dark?

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17/09/2014 | Yves Bertoncini |
The Constitutional Treaty and the June Summit: A way forward?

07/06/2007 | Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul |
How to Explain the Unexpected: An Assessment of the French Constitutional Referendum

Policy Paper
01/06/2007 | Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul | Morgan Larhant |
Leading from behind: Britain and the European Constitutional Treaty

26/02/2007 | Anand Menon | Jacques Delors |
Can Europe’s Foreign Policy rekindle the Constitutional Process?

Policy Paper
11/01/2007 | Gilles Andréani | Jean De Ruyt |
Constitutional referendum in France: a mid-term assessment

Other document
03/01/2007 | Morgan Larhant |
Draft Constitution? Why a “rear guard” should be established

Other document
29/12/2006 | François Lamoureux |
Letter to our European friends who want to Vote not

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29/12/2006 | Jacques Delors |
Landscape after the battle

Other document
29/12/2006 | Jean Pisani-Ferry |
The European constitution – a step in before for the EU

Other document
27/12/2006 | Jacques Delors |
What can we learn from the Collapse of European Constitutional Project? A Response to Eight Critics

Other document
15/11/2006 | Andrew Moravcsik |
The Impact of the Television Media on the French Referendum Campaign in 2005

31/10/2006 | Jacques Gerstlé |
Plan B: How to Rescue the European Constitution

18/10/2006 | Andrew Duff |
Reaction of Jeremy A. Rabkin to Andrew Moravcsik’s article on the collapse of the Constitutional treaty

Other document
10/10/2006 | Jeremy A. Rabkin |
Reaction of Mark N. Franklin to Andrew Moravcsik’s article on the collapse of the Constitutional treaty

Other document
09/10/2006 | Mark N. Franklin |
Reaction of Giandomenico Majone to Andrew Moravcsik’s article on the collapse of the Constitutional treaty

Other document
05/10/2006 | Giandomenico Majone |
Reaction of Loukas Tsoukalis to Andrew Moravcsik’s article on the collapse of the Constitutional treaty

Other document
04/10/2006 | Loukas Tsoukalis |
Reaction of Pepper D. Culpepper and Archon Fung to Andrew Moravcsik’s article on the collapse of the Constitutional treaty

Other document
02/10/2006 | Archon Fung | Pepper Culpepper |
Reaction of Paul Magnette to Andrew Moravcsik’s article on the collapse of the Constitutional treaty

Other document
29/09/2006 | Paul Magnette |
Reaction of James Fishkin to Andrew Moravcsik’s article on the collapse of the Constitutional treaty

Other document
27/09/2006 | Francesco Marchi |
Can you imagine a referendum to European level and under what conditions?

Policy Paper
22/09/2006 | Yannis Papadopoulos |
Referenda in other countries: the case of Spain

Other document
22/08/2006 | Morgan Larhant |
The First Dutch Referendum: a pre-ballot assessment

Policy Paper
22/08/2006 | Arjen Nijeboer |
The Constitutional Treaty: What Now?

Other document
08/06/2006 | Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul |
Democratising European Democracy

Policy Paper
29/11/2005 | Stephen Boucher |
The European Constitution and deliberation: the Example of deliberative focus groups ahead of the French Referendum of 29 May 2005

29/11/2005 | Henri Monceau |
The French “no” vote of 29 May 2005: understand, act

18/10/2005 | Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul |
Securing a “Yes”: from Nice I to Nice II

Policy Paper
25/04/2005 | Adrian Langan | Brigid Laffan |
“The Constitution, a step forward for the European Union” intervention by Jacques Delors

Other document
13/04/2005 | Jacques Delors |
A new institutional equilibrium and collective sovereignty

Other document
24/08/2004 | Jacques Delors |
The referendum in Italy is not comparable with the Catalan crisis – Enrico Letta on RTL

23/10/2017 |
“A political solution for Catalonia” – Enrico Letta on CNBC

05/10/2017 |
« Catalonia is affraid to loose its identity in a Global World » – Enrico Letta in La Croix

05/10/2017 |