The Road to a New European Automotive Strategy Infographic25/03/2025 | Elvire Fabry | Trade and economic security
Competitiveness as Europe’s compass for weathering the climate storm? Infographic28/02/2025 | Andreas Eisl | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Economics and finance
The new European Commission: guidelines Infographic17/10/2024 | Christine Verger | Lara Martelli | Democracy and institutions
Les jeunes confrontés à une hausse du chômage, du recours à l’aide alimentaire et du décrochage scolaire dans l’UE Interview12/06/2021 | Sofia Fernandes | Klervi Kerneïs | Employment, social affairs and health
Brexit: le Royaume-Uni défie la «gravitation régionale» Interview07/12/2020 | Elvire Fabry | Trade and economic security
L’Institut Jacques Delors suggère des lignes directrices pour la coalition européenne à venir Interview15/06/2019 | Pascal Lamy | Christine Verger | Geneviève Pons | Democracy and institutions
15.10Brussels, 15 October 2019 – Europe: Post Elections Challenges Intervention15/10/2019 | Passé | Geneviève Pons | Democracy and institutions
27.09Aix-en-Provence, 27th of September 2019 – European elections 2019: what impact on the European Union? Intervention27/09/2019 | Passé | Thierry Chopin | Democracy and institutions
25.06Brussels, 25 June 2019 – What about sustainability in the EU coalition 2019-2024? Intervention25/06/2019 | Passé | Geneviève Pons | Energy and climate