
Henri Monceau

Former program Director at the Jacques Delors Institute (2004-2009)

Henri Monceau was responsible for the coordination of the overall activities of Tomorrow’s Europe, alongside Stephen Boucher. He also manages Jacques Delors Institute‘s DiDACT (Deliberation in Democracy: towards Active Citizenship Training) research project.

Henri has national and European experience in the area of strategy and political decision-making, particularly in the sectors of education, transport, international cooperation, innovation, and governance.

A ministerial adviser turned independent consultant, Henri was Directeur de cabinet of the Belgian vice prime minister from 1999 to 2003. He was responsable for the Action Grundtvig element of the EU Socrates programme from 1996 to 1999, and worked for various ONGs from 1990 to 1996. Since 1995 he has been involved in several research and action initiatives in the field of democratic participation and transnational governance. He is director of the programme DiDACT (Deliberation in Democracy: towards Active Citizenship Training).