We have the pleasure to invite you to the hybrid Interreg Annual Event 2021, which will take place in Brussels (The EGG) with the possibility to follow online, on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 October 2021.
This year, the event will not only bring the opportunity to meet with some of you after this long period under pandemic restrictions but will also mark the kick-off of the new generation of Interreg programmes. On the 7th of October 2021, Ms Commissioner Elisa Ferreira will open the event. Her intervention will be followed by a Q&A session on 2021-2027 novelties in plenary. Then, according to your survey‘s replies, four parallel workshop will take place in the afternoon tackling Communication, Green Deal, Implementation and Governance issues. We will end the day by a celebratory moment and a networking dinner. On the 8th of October, there will be a key note speech followed by the same four parallel workshops. We will end up the event in plenary session for the closing remarks.
Zoom links and detailed information to join sessions will be sent by email, a few days before the conference.
All sessions will take place at THE EGG, Rue Bara 175, 1070 Brussels, Belgium, with the possibility to follow online.
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THE EGG, Rue Bara 175, 1070 Brussels, Belgium
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