
Paris, 5 November 2019 – How to finance Energy Innovation in Europe in order to reach Climate neutrality by 2050?

| 05/11/2019 | 11:30 > 12:15 |
Conférence |

The Jacques Delors Energy Center organises, on the 5th of November, its next Webinar ! Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Eulalia Rubio and Peter Sweatman will answer the follwing question: how to finance Energy Innovation in Europe in order to reach Climate neutrality by 2050?



With Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Head of the Jacques Delors Energy Centre and Research Fellow on European Energy Policy, Eulalia Rubio, Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, Economic and Social affairs, EU budget and Peter Sweatman, Directeur général, Climate Strategy & Partners


To become the world’s first climate-neutral continentthe European Unionneeds to invest now in clean energy innovation. To do so, the EU already has a comprehensive set of tools: from grants to guarantees and loans. Some tools are already well established, such as Horizon 2020, the European Investment Bank or the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Others are new in the landscape, such as the Innovation Fund, the European Innovation Council and the European Sustainable Investment Plan.

To deliver on the Green Deal, the new Commission will review the EU financial support to clean innovation. What does the European Commission plan to do? What should the European Union do to accelerate clean energy innovation?

You want to learn more on the topic discussed during the webinar? Then read Jacques Delors Institute’s latest publications:

With Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Head of the Jacques Delors Energy Centre and Research Fellow on European Energy Policy, Eulalia Rubio, Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, Economic and Social affairs, EU budget and Peter Sweatman, Directeur général, Climate Strategy & Partners


To become the world’s first climate-neutral continentthe European Unionneeds to invest now in clean energy innovation. To do so, the EU already has a comprehensive set of tools: from grants to guarantees and loans. Some tools are already well established, such as Horizon 2020, the European Investment Bank or the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Others are new in the landscape, such as the Innovation Fund, the European Innovation Council and the European Sustainable Investment Plan.

To deliver on the Green Deal, the new Commission will review the EU financial support to clean innovation. What does the European Commission plan to do? What should the European Union do to accelerate clean energy innovation?

You want to learn more on the topic discussed during the webinar? Then read Jacques Delors Institute’s latest publications:

18, rue de Londres

