
Paris, 5 September 2019 – Global Convergences Forum

| 05/09/2019 | 11:30 > 13:30 |

Sofia Fernandes, senior research fellow, will participate at the Global Convergences Forum, in the panel on "Stopping energy exclusion" organised by Convergences and Fondation des Transitions



The Global Convergences Forum, organised annually, by the Convergences association, is a place for dialogue on innovative solutions to fight against poverty and precariousness in the world. It also aims to be a meeting point for experts and international decision-makers to identify responses to social and environmental challenges.

Sofia Fernandes will intervene, as expert on social and energy transition issues, in a roundtable on energy insecurity and exclusion.

For more information on Jacques Delors Institute ideas on these issues, we invite you to read the blogpost Making the European Energy Transition socialy Sustainable” (Sofia Fernandes, Thomas Pellerin-Carlin – 20/05/2019)

The Global Convergences Forum, organised annually, by the Convergences association, is a place for dialogue on innovative solutions to fight against poverty and precariousness in the world. It also aims to be a meeting point for experts and international decision-makers to identify responses to social and environmental challenges.

Sofia Fernandes will intervene, as expert on social and energy transition issues, in a roundtable on energy insecurity and exclusion.

For more information on Jacques Delors Institute ideas on these issues, we invite you to read the blogpost Making the European Energy Transition socialy Sustainable” (Sofia Fernandes, Thomas Pellerin-Carlin – 20/05/2019)

Palais Brongniart

