04.12 Euroquestions | Un an de Green... Event Energy and climate 04/12/2020 | Past | En ligne | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
04.12 Euroquestions | Un an de Green... Event Energy and climate 04/12/2020 | Past | En ligne | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
08.12 Etats-Unis : définir une... Event Trade and economic security 08/12/2020 | Past | En ligne | Carlos Moedas | Pascal Lamy | Nicole Gnesotto | Sébastien Maill...
08.12 Etats-Unis : définir une... Event Trade and economic security 08/12/2020 | Past | En ligne | Carlos Moedas | Pascal Lamy | Nicole Gnesotto | Sébastien Maill...
09.12 Webinaire | Nouveau pacte pour... Event Employment, social affairs and health 09/12/2020 | Past | En ligne | Enrico Letta | Jérôme Vignon |
09.12 Webinaire | Nouveau pacte pour... Event Employment, social affairs and health 09/12/2020 | Past | En ligne | Enrico Letta | Jérôme Vignon |
15.12 Webinaire | The Future EU... Event Trade and economic security 15/12/2020 | Past | Pascal Lamy |
16.12 Euroquestions | Quelle action de... Event Employment, social affairs and health 16/12/2020 | Past | En ligne | Julien Damon |