04.05 Delivering the 2021-27 MFF and... Intervention Economics and finance 04/05/2021 | Past | Eulalia Rubio |
05.05 What place for responsible... Event Employment, social affairs and health 05/05/2021 | Past | Enrico Letta | Sébastien Maillard |
06.05 Euroquestions | Porto Social... Event Employment, social affairs and health 06/05/2021 | Past | Sofia Fernandes |
18.05 EU migration and asylum policy:... Event Trade and economic security 18/05/2021 | Past | Jérôme Vignon |
19.05 Euroquestions | What place for... Event Democracy and institutions 19/05/2021 | Past | Aziliz Gouez |
21.05 Académie Notre Europe –... Event Democracy and institutions 21/05/2021 | Past | Elvire Fabry | Nicole Gnesotto | Sébastien Maillard | Genevièv...
26.05 European Sovereignty: A New... Intervention Trade and economic security 26/05/2021 | Past | Sébastien Maillard |