Competitiveness as Europe’s compass for weathering the climate storm? Infographic28/02/2025 | Andreas Eisl | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Economics and finance
A European state aid framework for the Clean Industrial Deal Policy Paper24/02/2025 | Andreas Eisl | Economics and finance
Adapting the EU budget to make it fit for the purpose of future enlargements Report28/01/2025 | Eulalia Rubio | Benjamin Couteau | Economics and finance
The Unexpected Impact of Prosperity: How the Manipulation of the Consequences of Globalization by the Far-Right Movements Endanger the International Order? Other document02/12/2024 | Sylvie Matelly | Economics and finance
Lessons learned from the implementation of crisis response tools at EU level Other document30/11/2024 | Eulalia Rubio | Economics and finance
Ein Balanceakt zwischen Markt und Staatseingriffen Interview03/03/2025 | Enrico Letta | Economics and finance
Energieintensive Industrie: Wettbewerbsfähig bleiben und ineffiziente Subventionswettläufe vermeiden Tribune02/03/2025 | Andreas Eisl | Economics and finance
L’Institut Jacques Delors appelle à un cadre européen unifié sur les aides d’État en vue du ‘Pacte industrie propre’ Interview25/02/2025 | Andreas Eisl | Economics and finance
Les Etats-Unis snobent les réunions du G20, une première Interview21/02/2025 | Pierre Jaillet | Economics and finance
Une nouvelle étude explore les possibilités d’ajustement du budget de l’UE aux futurs élargissements Interview05/02/2025 | Eulalia Rubio | Benjamin Couteau | Economics and finance
Opinion | Pas de politique française de réindustrialisation verte sans l’Europe Tribune04/02/2025 | Andreas Eisl | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Economics and finance
06.01Davos, 21 January 2016 – Competition policy: use and abuse Intervention06/01/2016 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
06.01Orléans, 21 January 2016 – Are we done with mad finance in Europe? Evenement06/01/2016 | Passé | Eulalia Rubio | Michel Barnier | Economics and finance
06.01Paris, 18 January 2016 – The World trade organisation and the law Intervention06/01/2016 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
21.01Davos, 21 January 2016 – Competition policy: use and abuse Intervention21/01/2016 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
25.01Brussels, 28 January 2016 – Current trends in alternative economy approaches and policies Intervention25/01/2016 | Passé | David Rinaldi | Economics and finance
25.01Paris, 27 January 2016 – EUs Capital Markets Union Action Plan Intervention25/01/2016 | Passé | David Rinaldi | Economics and finance