The Unexpected Impact of Prosperity: How the Manipulation of the Consequences of Globalization by the Far-Right Movements Endanger the International Order? Other document02/12/2024 | Sylvie Matelly | Economics and finance
Lessons learned from the implementation of crisis response tools at EU level Other document30/11/2024 | Eulalia Rubio | Economics and finance
Make the European Single Market fit for the age of geopolitical competition Infographic20/11/2024 | Andreas Eisl | Eulalia Rubio | Economics and finance
EU enlargement and the post-2027 Multi-Annual Financial Framework Other document31/10/2024 | Eulalia Rubio | Economics and finance
For a competitive European industrial policy Policy Paper07/10/2024 | Andreas Eisl | Economics and finance
Enrico Letta: «L’épargne des Européens finance des sociétés américaines qui rachètent nos entreprises» Interview22/12/2024 | Enrico Letta | Economics and finance
Les travaux concrets du Parlement européen pour le prochain cadre financier pluriannuel débuteront en janvier 2025 Interview12/12/2024 | Eulalia Rubio | Economics and finance
Une économie mondiale plus conflictuelle : quels défis pour l’Union Européenne ? Interview11/12/2024 | Pierre Jaillet | Economics and finance
Budget crisis and political turmoil: France under EU’s close watch Interview04/12/2024 | Andreas Eisl | Economics and finance
Du dérapage budgétaire au dérapage politique en France Interview04/12/2024 | Andreas Eisl | Economics and finance
Fin du transit de gaz via l’Ukraine : la Russie pourrait en sortir gagnante Interview04/12/2024 | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Economics and finance
06.01Davos, 21 January 2016 – Competition policy: use and abuse Intervention06/01/2016 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
06.01Orléans, 21 January 2016 – Are we done with mad finance in Europe? Evenement06/01/2016 | Passé | Eulalia Rubio | Michel Barnier | Economics and finance
06.01Paris, 18 January 2016 – The World trade organisation and the law Intervention06/01/2016 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
21.01Davos, 21 January 2016 – Competition policy: use and abuse Intervention21/01/2016 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
25.01Brussels, 28 January 2016 – Current trends in alternative economy approaches and policies Intervention25/01/2016 | Passé | David Rinaldi | Economics and finance
25.01Paris, 27 January 2016 – EUs Capital Markets Union Action Plan Intervention25/01/2016 | Passé | David Rinaldi | Economics and finance