External contributor

Claire Versini

Former development manager, former citizen & pedagogical activities manager

After completing a double degree in European Affairs at Sciences-Po Paris and the London School of Economics, Claire joined the JDI team as editor before being in charge of Jacques Delors’ personal archives. She is now Event  manager, as well as Citizen and pedagogical activities manager. From September 2017 to January 2018, she was head of development. She also has been Head of Pedagogy of the Académie Notre Europe.

She spent a year in Wahsington DC and Baltimore, working part-time at the Progressive Policy Institute (Democrate Think-Tank) and then at the MLE Project (A project in charge of the evaluation of the Urban Reproductive health programme). During her studies at Sciences Po Paris, Johns Hopkins University and the London School of Economics, she focused on European identity and active citizenship. Her Master Dissertation draws on the interactions between European youth policies, active citizenship and European identity. She masters English (C2), Italian (C1) and Spanish (B2).

During her internship at the French Agency for the Youth in Action programme, she also wrote and coordinated the publication of the Cahier de l’Action n°39 “The youth in the euromediterranean cooperation: a lever for democracy?” (Claire Versini (coord.), La jeunesse dans la coopération euro-méditerranéenne : un levier pour la démocratie ?, INJEP, « Les Cahiers de l’action », n°39, Paris, 2013).

Claire is also involved since 2009 in the Young Europeans, a transpartisan and transeuropean society which seeks to promote democratic debate among European citizens of which she has been Vice-President in charge of the pedagogical activies in 2013-2015.