
Webinar “Crossed views at the demographic prospects and its implications in Africa and Europe” [FR]

| 26/01/2023 | 15:00 > 16:30 |



The fertility rate in the EU is less than 1.6 children per woman, while in Africa it is over 4.5. Projections also indicate that by 2070, 30% of Europeans will be over 65, while by 2050, half of all births will be in Africa.

With experts from both continents, we invite you to an exchange of views on current demographic dynamics, in particular the ageing of populations in Europe and its socio-economic consequences, as well as the need for African countries to offer their ever-growing youth education, health, training, employment and development opportunities.

This webinar, organised in partnership by the Jacques Delors Institute and the WATHI think tank, introduced by their respective directors, Sébastien Maillard and Gilles Yabi, will be an opportunity to take a look at the demographic challenges ahead and their impact on the two continents.

With the contribution of :

Isabelle Marchais, Associate Researcher in Health and Demography, Jacques Delors Institute
Marie-Odile Attanasso, Former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Benin – Research Professor at the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
Gilles Pison, Demographer, Professor Emeritus at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle and advisor to the management of the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED)                – Dr Abdramane Bassiahi Soura: Researcher and demographer – Director of the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP) of the University Ouaga I Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo of Burkina Faso

The fertility rate in the EU is less than 1.6 children per woman, while in Africa it is over 4.5. Projections also indicate that by 2070, 30% of Europeans will be over 65, while by 2050, half of all births will be in Africa.

With experts from both continents, we invite you to an exchange of views on current demographic dynamics, in particular the ageing of populations in Europe and its socio-economic consequences, as well as the need for African countries to offer their ever-growing youth education, health, training, employment and development opportunities.

This webinar, organised in partnership by the Jacques Delors Institute and the WATHI think tank, introduced by their respective directors, Sébastien Maillard and Gilles Yabi, will be an opportunity to take a look at the demographic challenges ahead and their impact on the two continents.

With the contribution of :

Isabelle Marchais, Associate Researcher in Health and Demography, Jacques Delors Institute
Marie-Odile Attanasso, Former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Benin – Research Professor at the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
Gilles Pison, Demographer, Professor Emeritus at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle and advisor to the management of the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED)                – Dr Abdramane Bassiahi Soura: Researcher and demographer – Director of the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP) of the University Ouaga I Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo of Burkina Faso