European companies are facing the decoupling of China and the United States Other document10/10/2022 | Elvire Fabry | Trade and economic security
European Strategic Autonomy and the US–China Rivalry: Other document28/07/2021 | Sylvie Bermann | Trade and economic security
The EU and the USA: a new reality with no illusion Blog post18/01/2021 | Nicole Gnesotto | Geopolitics and defence
From Expectation to Action Policy Paper16/12/2020 | Geneviève Pons | Paola Tanguy | Energy and climate
Strategic choices for the EU’s digital trade policy after the US election Blog post09/12/2020 | Economics and finance
TRUMP’S TRADE WAR: A DELIBERATE CHOICE Blog post02/11/2020 | Elvire Fabry | Trade and economic security
Warum der Klimagipfel echte Fortschritte bringen könnte Interview22/04/2021 | Trade and economic security
Sommet climat de Biden: le bon élève européen veut peser dans le concert mondial Interview22/04/2021 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Trade and economic security
Biden s’élance derrière l’Europe vers la neutralité carbone Interview22/04/2021 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Energy and climate
USA 2020: regards européens sur l’élection américaine Podcast03/11/2020 | Enrico Letta | Trade and economic security
Tout un Monde – présidence allemande de l’UE Video06/07/2020 | Sébastien Maillard | Democracy and institutions
With US Off EU’s COVID Safe List, Parisians Miss Popular Visitors Video03/07/2020 | Sébastien Maillard | Democracy and institutions
18.11Transatlantic relations in the age of Joe Biden: What implications for the European Union? [FR] Event18/11/2021 | Passé | Laurent Cohen-Tanugi | Daniela Schwarzer | Trade and economic security
07.10Webinar: American Extraterritorial Sanctions Event07/10/2021 | Passé | Trade and economic security
06.10A More Perfect Economic Union – A Transatlantic Tribute to Henrik Enderlein Speech06/10/2021 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
04.03The Future of Trade: How can Europe and the United States join forces to rewrite the post-COVID trade agenda Intervention04/03/2021 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Economics and finance
04.02Quel avenir pour le dialogue transatlantique après l’élection de Joe Biden ? Event04/02/2021 | Passé | Nicole Gnesotto | Trade and economic security
15.12Webinaire | The Future EU – US Trade Relationship Event15/12/2020 | Passé | Pascal Lamy | Trade and economic security