
Académie Notre Europe | “Europe of migration” session [FR]

| 17/11/2023 | 9:30 > 16:00 |



This session of the Academy will be devoted to the Europe of migration. Migration issues are at the heart of the European debate. In 2022, the Member States showed solidarity in welcoming Ukrainian refugees when the war broke out, notably by activating – for the first time since it came into force in 2001 – the Temporary Protection Directive, which made it possible to grant immediate temporary protection in the EU to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. However, in 2015, the migration crisis highlighted the differences between Member States on migration policy and asylum law. What competences and provisions exist at European level in this area? What are the avenues for improvement and the prospects for development? We will begin this morning with a coffee with Valérie Drezet-Humez Head of the European Commission Representation in France. We will then welcome Fabienne Keller Member of the European Parliament, for a discussion on the European Pact on Asylum and Migration. We will conclude this morning with Jérôme Vignon, Special Adviser on Migration Issues at the Jacques Delors Institute, and Fabienne Lassalle, Deputy Director General of SOS Méditerranée, to discuss the reception of refugees in Europe.

L’après-midi, la moitié du groupe réalisera le jeu de rôle “Dans la peau d’un député européen” pendant que la seconde moitié visitera l’espace interactif Europa Expérience et échangera avec les journalistes Théo Bourgery-Gonse et Audrey Vuetaz sur la place de l’Europe dans les médias.

This session of the Academy will be devoted to the Europe of migration. Migration issues are at the heart of the European debate. In 2022, the Member States showed solidarity in welcoming Ukrainian refugees when the war broke out, notably by activating – for the first time since it came into force in 2001 – the Temporary Protection Directive, which made it possible to grant immediate temporary protection in the EU to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. However, in 2015, the migration crisis highlighted the differences between Member States on migration policy and asylum law. What competences and provisions exist at European level in this area? What are the avenues for improvement and the prospects for development? We will begin this morning with a coffee with Valérie Drezet-Humez Head of the European Commission Representation in France. We will then welcome Fabienne Keller Member of the European Parliament, for a discussion on the European Pact on Asylum and Migration. We will conclude this morning with Jérôme Vignon, Special Adviser on Migration Issues at the Jacques Delors Institute, and Fabienne Lassalle, Deputy Director General of SOS Méditerranée, to discuss the reception of refugees in Europe.

L’après-midi, la moitié du groupe réalisera le jeu de rôle “Dans la peau d’un député européen” pendant que la seconde moitié visitera l’espace interactif Europa Expérience et échangera avec les journalistes Théo Bourgery-Gonse et Audrey Vuetaz sur la place de l’Europe dans les médias.