Euroquestions | ‘Leaders Summit on Climate’: how can Europe give a new impetus for global climate action?

On Thursday April 22nd, Joe Biden will invite 40 heads of State or for a ‘Leaders’ Summit on Climate’.
For the US President, this is the opportunity to show the world that, after the Trump Presidency, the Americans are back in global climate action. For Europeans, this will be a key moment to take stock of the fact that, after the major announcements by the USA, China, Japan and many other countries, 75% of the global economy lies in countries that aim to reach carbon neutrality.
As the European Commission is about to propose major changes to the EU regulations that frame the buildings, energy, industry and transport sectors, this edition of the Jacques Delors Institute’s Euroquestions will focus on the EU climate policy and the role it should have in this newfound global impetus for climate neutrality. How can EU regulations and carbon pricing measures help EU companies be at the forefront of innovation to build a clean energy future?
We will greet Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director of the Jacques Delors Institute’s Energy Centre, to discuss this major issue for the future of Europe and to answer your questions.
On Thursday April 22nd, Joe Biden will invite 40 heads of State or for a ‘Leaders’ Summit on Climate’.
For the US President, this is the opportunity to show the world that, after the Trump Presidency, the Americans are back in global climate action. For Europeans, this will be a key moment to take stock of the fact that, after the major announcements by the USA, China, Japan and many other countries, 75% of the global economy lies in countries that aim to reach carbon neutrality.
As the European Commission is about to propose major changes to the EU regulations that frame the buildings, energy, industry and transport sectors, this edition of the Jacques Delors Institute’s Euroquestions will focus on the EU climate policy and the role it should have in this newfound global impetus for climate neutrality. How can EU regulations and carbon pricing measures help EU companies be at the forefront of innovation to build a clean energy future?
We will greet Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director of the Jacques Delors Institute’s Energy Centre, to discuss this major issue for the future of Europe and to answer your questions.
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