
Paris, 24 September 2018 – European social dialogue: what future?

| 24/09/2018 | 18:00 > 20:00 |
Conférence |

The Jacques Delors Institute is organizing, in partnership with the French trade union CFDT and the Maison de l'Europe in Paris, a conference on European social dialogue and its perspectives, on the occasion of the publication of the Jean Lapeyre, "History of a social innovation from 1985 to 2003" (in French).



The leaders of the 28 EU countries proclaimed last November at the Göteborg Social Summit the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), which defines 20 principles and fundamental rights applicable to all Member States. It reaffirms the importance of European social dialogue in the design and implementation of economic, social and employment policies.

In recent years, however, the European social dialogue has been severely tested. The enlargement of the EU to countries in Central and Eastern Europe, which have different traditions and cultures of social relations and negotiations, has been a challenge for the dynamics and effectiveness of the European social dialogue. More recently, the crisis in Europe has had an impact on social dialogue at the national level; in several countries social dialogue has been decentralized or weakened. Ongoing changes in the labor market, such as the development of atypical forms of contract or dynamics such as digital and energy transitions, pose new challenges to the representativeness and priorities of action of the social partners, both national and international. European. The current difficulties faced by the European social partners are illustrated by the lack of agreement between them on the Commission’s first proposals to implement the 20 principles of the SEDS, in particular the Directive on reconciliation between work and private life. In such a context, how to revive and consolidate the dynamics of the European social dialogue?

After a welcome by Catherine Lalumière, President of the Maison de l’Europe, and an introduction by Jean Lapeyre, former Deputy Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, a panel brings together Laurent Berger, General Secretary of the CFDT, Maxime Cerutti, director of social affaires of Business Europe and Katja Lehto-Komulailen, deputy general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, around the question “Social dialogue: what future?”. This debate is moderated by Frank Vandenbroucke, former Belgian minister of Labour.

To register, visit the website of the Maison de l’Europe.

The leaders of the 28 EU countries proclaimed last November at the Göteborg Social Summit the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), which defines 20 principles and fundamental rights applicable to all Member States. It reaffirms the importance of European social dialogue in the design and implementation of economic, social and employment policies.

In recent years, however, the European social dialogue has been severely tested. The enlargement of the EU to countries in Central and Eastern Europe, which have different traditions and cultures of social relations and negotiations, has been a challenge for the dynamics and effectiveness of the European social dialogue. More recently, the crisis in Europe has had an impact on social dialogue at the national level; in several countries social dialogue has been decentralized or weakened. Ongoing changes in the labor market, such as the development of atypical forms of contract or dynamics such as digital and energy transitions, pose new challenges to the representativeness and priorities of action of the social partners, both national and international. European. The current difficulties faced by the European social partners are illustrated by the lack of agreement between them on the Commission’s first proposals to implement the 20 principles of the SEDS, in particular the Directive on reconciliation between work and private life. In such a context, how to revive and consolidate the dynamics of the European social dialogue?

After a welcome by Catherine Lalumière, President of the Maison de l’Europe, and an introduction by Jean Lapeyre, former Deputy Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, a panel brings together Laurent Berger, General Secretary of the CFDT, Maxime Cerutti, director of social affaires of Business Europe and Katja Lehto-Komulailen, deputy general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, around the question “Social dialogue: what future?”. This debate is moderated by Frank Vandenbroucke, former Belgian minister of Labour.

To register, visit the website of the Maison de l’Europe.

Maison de l'Europe

